Sometimes it’s a massive hotel on a Vegas strip. Sometimes it’s a “no-tell motel” in an unheard-of...
Crows have long been feared and maligned throughout history. A distant cousin of the raven, the crow...
Frank “Lucky” Tower was a fireman by trade. These individuals were also called “stokers.” He tended the...
When the first Poltergeist was released, it became a superstar amid movies. The film followed a family...
If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many are haunted pictures worth? This seemingly “new”...
The Brown Mountain Lights in North Carolina have fascinated visitors for decades. The history of the lights...
If your courier jobs take you on late night drives down the highway in certain states (like...
The phantom fiddler is pretty common in American folklore, depending upon which region you’re researching. Here...
The phantom hitchhiker is a familiar guest on countless American roads (not even counting the global reports)....
There is a legend in certain Southern Appalachian forests of a sinister lady who lives in remote...