ABC’s supernatural series “666 Park Avenue” revolved around a posh apartment complex ruled by a devil of...
Historic Buildings
The Chimera House is the term for an incredibly common phenomenon. It’s also called the “13 Floor...
Leap Castle is one of Ireland’s oldest structures, and it’s featured in many modern resources as Ireland’s...
Glamis Castle has been deemed, “Britain’s Most Haunted Castle.” This could be true, but what’s even more...
Leap Castle is one of Ireland’s oldest structures, and it’s featured in many modern resources as Ireland’s...
When we hear the phrase “Ellis Island” we think of the historic gateway to America, the grand...
ABC’s supernatural series “666 Park Avenue” revolved around a posh apartment complex owned and ruled by a...
Lord William Soulis (d. 1320 or 1321) is remembered as a cruel Scottish landowner. History states he...
This home, near Jamestown, Virginia, is also known as the “Randolph family mansion.” Most of the world,...
I finally completed the tribute for Kings Mountain Memorial Hospital, demolished in 2008. I do have some...