Robert Benge, also called “Chief Benge,” was a notorious enemy of the settlers in Southwestern Virginia and...
Unusual folklore and tall tales from the Appalachian Mountains.
I thought this would be an interesting addition to the blog: The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum has been...
The phantom fiddler is pretty common in American folklore, depending upon which region you’re researching. Here...
The phantom hitchhiker is a familiar guest on countless American roads (not even counting the global reports)....
There is a legend in certain Southern Appalachian forests of a sinister lady who lives in remote...
There is an old house in a rural portion of Northeastern Tennessee. The manor house was once...
One story from the Appalachian Mountains concerns two bothers, Brahm and Beau. All through their life, they...
There is only the foundation left of Willow Church in Northeastern Tennessee. This was a slave church...
There are many stigmas revolving around the Appalachian portions of our nation, however they are just that,...
I finally completed the tribute for Kings Mountain Memorial Hospital, demolished in 2008. I do have some...