ABC’s supernatural series “666 Park Avenue” revolved around a posh apartment complex owned and ruled by a...
Laura Wright
A new hospital was being constructed in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1905. The City Hospital facility had...
Frank Turnbrook left a wife and several daughters when he was summoned to fight in the Civil...
It’s an ancient practice with roots so far back, no singular origin is known. It was practiced...
Lord William Soulis (d. 1320 or 1321) is remembered as a cruel Scottish landowner. History states he...
This was a phenomenal year for anyone interested in meteorology, especially in weird weather. Many historic accounts...
The unhealthy and obsessive craze for thinness has bridged both the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries and currently...
This vampire is in Mexican mythology. Any woman who dies during her first labor was believed to...