This is the second installment on the article series that explores the trend of Asian horror and...
Laura Wright
As promised, here’s the next installment on tips, tricks and tidbits writers can glean from the hit...
The horror genre in America has plummeted in popularity in the previous decades. Sadly, the genre’s popularity...
The X-Files was an incredibly popular television series and fans are still attending movies when they reach...
Elizabeth Bathory is perhaps one of the most notorious women of history. We’ve all heard how she...
Authors are watching a new era emerge in writing and, despite the controversy, it’s refreshing to see...
I’ve read countless books on editing during my years writing. I’ve enjoyed guides on grammar, structure, technique...
This archaic poet is little known today, but his words have inspired artists for centuries. Here is...
The vampire today is a creature of romance and legend. They are immortals that are thought to...
Catalina de los Rios y Lisperger (1604-1665) is a woman of infamy in Chile. She was a...