There is a tale out of Scotland about a woman named, “Pearlin’ Jean.” This figure became a banshee for a prominent family, some suggest it was the ill-fated Stewart family.
Jean was a beautiful woman in life and her associations with the wealthy allowed her the finest clothing and the most precious jewelry. It was due to her pampering of vanity that she was known as “Pearlin’ Jean,” for her love of pearls and precious gems.
Jean was also a mistress of a lord. After a whirlwind romance at a spare manor, and many evenings together, the lord grew tired of Jean. He decided he wanted to go back to his family. Jean desperately wanted him to remain with her. She fled out to his carriage after he was already inside. The lord knew her feet rested on the wheel so she could lean in the window to talk to him. He commanded his driver to go.
It is believed that her death was intentional.
Jean’s feet were caught in the wheel and she was thrown forward, the wagon’s heavy wheel went directly across her skull and killed her instantly.
The lord felt he’d escaped her endless pestering… until he got home.
Pearlin’ Jean waited on him, high atop the fence that surrounded his property. Her dress was bloody, her head was obviously smashed.
From that point on, the family had a banshee and Jean would visit and wail to warn of impending death.