This vampire is in Mexican mythology. Any woman who dies during her first labor was believed to become a vampire. These creatures are also known as “Ciuapipiltin.” Ciuateotio translated to, “right, honorable mother.” Any such death required the husband and his friends to observe the body for 4 days after death, as well as on the way to the burial. She was to be buried at sunset, in a court of the temple of the Ciuapipiltin.
One variation of the Ciuapipiltin legend is that they were noble women who wandered through the air until they found the children they wanted. They descended and afflicted children with paralysis or other diseases. These ladies haunted the crossroads to find their victims. Their faces and bodies appear to be covered with chalk. One the most common diseases these creatures gave to children was epilepsy. Traditionally, children were always kept in the house on the days when the Ciuapipiltin were unleashed.
Another variation said the Ciuapipiltin could also be the souls of women who had gone to war, but this is debatable. The Ciuapipiltin are also said to be goddesses of the crossroads and mortals often built temples for them at crossroads. There, offerings and sacrifices could be made. The most common offering was a twisted piece of bread.
Another fascinating variant from ancient Mexico stated sorcerers and magicians were all regarded as vampires.