A wealthy bachelor named McKim owned a gristmill and much prosperous farming land in Virginia. His wealth...
An old Irish belief is that some people are born with the gift of the “Evil Stroke.”...
In the Covent Garden portion of London, a tavern once stood that gained a reputation for causing...
One of the most common stories in folklore is that of the sleeper. Our hero usually sleeps...
Major Thomas Weir is a notable figure in English lore. His house sat empty for decades, long...
This room was in “#17,” a house on Longcroft Road, in England. The old story never distinguished...
Outside of Tucson is a little town with a big name, “Tombstone.” Many people have heard of...
The Jersey Devil is a strange creature that walks on two legs. It is drawn with cloven...
This odd triangle is off the coast of Japan. It has seen hundreds of disappearances through the...
Have you heard about the Bloody Countess? She was the most prolific female serial murderer ever recorded....