Laura Wright also writes as L. Chambers-Wright. She has been creating all her life, with publishing credentials in nearly every genre, from poetry to non-fiction. Wright grew up surrounded by Appalachian folklore and ghost stories, many of which find their way into what she writes. She currently lives with her family in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
She can be found online at:http://laurawrites.net and http://vacreeper.com.
Books by Laura Wright:
- While I’m Dying
- Timeslips & Terrors
- Virginia Creeper
- Bizarre Tri-Cities: Our Unusual History Through 1950
- Life Literally: A Practical Guide to High-Functioning Autism
- Black Diamond
As L. Chambers-Wright:
- Moonshine
- The Bad Room
- The Demon Machine
- The Moon Sees Me
- Tanagwa
- The Witch’s Rose
- The Black Gash
- Destination Unknown
- Devil Will Care
- Locusta
- Infectious
- Stranger Stories
- Wither
- Stormy Weather
- The Witch’s Rose
- Monarch
- Tanagwa
- Mangled Macabre (Amazon Kindle only)