2 thoughts on “Chicago’s Leutgert Ghost

  1. Interesting and morbid. Thanks for sharing. One would think Louise would have haunted or still haunt the location of her death as well; that is, if she actually died at the factory. Such a death, of it actually corresponds to legend or suspicion, would have been a traumatic one, no?

    Just one point: you said her apparition wore the white dress in which she had been buried. How could that be if nothing remained to bury? Do you mean the dress she wore when she died, as in the dress in which she was last seen alive? Sorry about that. Maybe I am nitpicking, but I was compelled to ask.

    As for Adolphe, an attachment to his home would not have been the only reason behind his haunting of that environment; the final years of his life must have been traumatic and filled with overwhelming despair regardless of his guilt status.

    1. Hi! No, not nitpicking at all. At the time the articles ran on the Leutgert ghost, she was always the woman in white at the home. I don’t know how that came to be so common, because obviously she wasn’t intact enough to be buried in white. The only think I could figure was that the few remains might’ve been buried wrapped in her white dress? I wasn’t sure so I didn’t even bother to put that in the article. There was no further details given.

      I think Leutgert’s guilt was pretty definite. There was no way to really question it, as he had motive, had publicly talked about how he hated his wife, he was witnessed at the factory with someone who resembled his wife, on the night his wife disappeared. Then, he made no effort to locate her and showed no concern of her whereabouts after.

      I think she was alive until he got her into the factory. I can’t imagine his struggle to move a corpse, which would’ve been dead weight, into the factory knowing he employed watchmen.

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