In the Scott County area of Virginia, there lived a man who would certainly draw attention today. As far as it’s known, no such figure existed before or after him. He lived in the region from birth until death, encompassing the latter portion of the Nineteenth Century and into the Twentieth. The “old timers,” of today discuss his life, and his passing, but few details are available.
He was incredibly friendly, known to be warm and generous, eager to help others. He could always be found chopping firewood and hated shirts. So, what made him so special? He was covered in hair and had a tail.
I intend on checking census records against what I know to see when he lived. I would also like to know precisely what the census-takers classified his race as.
Perhaps, Mr. Spangler was simply a product of genetics we seldom see today, perhaps it was these unqiue features that started the legends around what we today call “Wampus cats.”
Only time will tell as Mr. Spangler was not wealthy or esteemed during his life, but his neighbors alive today still fondly recall him.